Summary: Back in September of last year, a flourishing deep sea coral reef was found in the Gulf of Mexico. Now that coral reef and many more are being threatened by BP's oil spill. It is one of three discovered reefs that are in danger. Scientists believe that the plumes of dissolved oil will destroy the ecosystems in the hidden deep sea reefs. These plumes extend over 22 miles in all directions that may cause many more ecosystems in the ocean to be destroyed. Also this plume has more than 210,000 gallons of oil droplets, natural gas and dispersant chemical corexit(Whatever that is.) Scientists say that they have only uncovered 1% of all the deep sea reefs in the gulf. This is a serious problem. In the worst case scenario, the plumes will cover the coral and basically suffocate it. If the oil spill is not cleaned up in the near future, we may never see those other 99% of the coral reefs and their ecosystems.

Opinion: I believe that BP needs to find a way to clean up all the oil in the Gulf. There are so many things that are affecting people and animals alike. In this case, the oil spill has the potenetial to wipe out all ecosystems within a 22 mile radius of the leak. The way I look at it is this; what if a bomb hit Horsham and killed everyone and everything within a 22 mile radius? That would be catastrophic. I know that both BP and the government are not trying hard enough to get the mess cleaned up and restoring life in the Gulf of Mexico as it was. I hope in the near future that we can forget about this whole mess, learn from it, and move on.
1. If you could, how would you help clean up oil in the gulf?
2.What do you think will happen to the deep sea reefs?
3. What caused the oil spill to happen?