Sunday, September 19, 2010

Summary: In New Delhi, India; at least 63 people have been killed from flooding and landslides since Saturday. The authorities were able to evacuate around 5,000 people to safety. The flooding is from heavy rains and has blocked state highways and cut off communication links. The army and emergency crews have been called in for rescue by the state governments. Most of the 63 recorded deaths have been caused by collapsed houses, landslides and drowning cases. There is fear among officials that this death toll may rise though. The next 24 hours call for heavy rain so the flooding appears to not be stopping.

Opinion: I feel really bad for the people in India. I personally would hate to lose my life by drowning in a flood. I am also happy though that authorities were able to evacuate about 5,000 people to safety before some of them too lost their life. This article also states that flooding from seasonal monsoon rains kills hundreds of people every year in India. This makes me feel even worse for India as this is almost a regular occurrence for them. It is also stated that more than 800 rain-related deaths have been reported from across the country since June this year. This even further proves my point that monsoons and floods are almost a regular occurrence for India.

1. Do you think there is a way for India to prepare for these floods and save a lot of lives? Why or why not?

2. Do you think that the Indian government handles these situations well? Why or why not?

3. If these were to happen in the United States, do you think that our government would handle it better or worse? Why or why not?


  1. Oh my god, I posted a link to the article, but it didn't work for some reason. Sorry guys.

  2. Opinion:
    I had no idea that this many people died from flooding and landslides in India. I am shocked. Thankfully the authorities saved a lot of lives. The families who lost someone in this flooding must be devastated. It is such a horrible way to lost your life. Reading this article made me realize how many lives they are losing per year from the cause of floods. It is crazy what rain can do to a country. Hopefully more lives will be saved and less people will die. The United States should help out with this as best as we can.

    Answer to Question 2:
    I think that the Indian government is handling these situations well. The Indian government is trying their best to protect their people. Even though 63 people died, you need to realize how many people they actually saved.

  3. Opinion:
    This article truly shocked me. I could not believe that so many people die yearly from flooding. Drowning is a tragic way to die. India's flooding problem was never made apparent to me, so this was suprising. In one flood alone, 63 people's lives were lost and since this flood is continuing, even more deaths could occur. I agree with Zach that it is good that 5,000 people were evacuated but hopefully, next time an event like this occurs, even more can be rescued.

    Answer to Question 3:
    I think if this situation were to happen in the United States we would be able to handle the situation better because we have a much better economy. We have the means to save many more lives and the technology to get more people evacuated faster. I think The United States would be able to save more lives if something like this were to occur.

  4. Reading this article, I was shocked to hear that this type of devastation occurs every year in India. Montgomery county has just over 15000 people inhabiting it. If we had a monsoon come through here every year, taking hundreds of people at a time, it would take about 20 years to wipe out everyone in Montgomery county(not counting the reproduction rate). Yes, it's fortunate that 5000 people were rescued but 63 deaths isn't something that we can just glimpse over, pretending it's nothing. I mean, I can almost guarentee that over half the school doesn't know this stuff happens annually in other countries around the world. The government's so big on helping Haiti but don't take a closer look at countries like India. Hopefully, that'll change over the course of time.

    Answer to question 1:
    Yes, I think that India's handling these situations well. They're saving 5000 peoples lives every year, I doubt that's an easy task to do. And for those 63 who died, I believe that is inevitable. After all, it's natural forces we're talking about, we can't do anything to stop it.

  5. This is a shocking article. I did not realize ow serios this. I fell bad for their families and friends. I also didn't now that somthing as little as rain could cause serious landslides that destory whole neighborhoods. In the future I believe that they should evacuate more than 5000 people.

    Answer to question 2: I think they could evacuate more than 5,000 people. Their are at least a billion people in India and they only got 5,000 people out? I hope they realize how serious this is and evacuate EVERYONE who is in harms way.
