Sunday, October 10, 2010

Staying up all night to save sea turtles

Summary: Oscar Aranda, a bioloy major, wanted to do something related with sea animals. He found his dream when he'd discovered a bucket full with chopped up turtle body parts, with the heart still beating strong. With that image running vividly through his mind, Aranda got together a group of volunteers to supervise the turtles when they lay eggs and nurture the eggs until the day they hatched. Their plan was that once the turtles had lain the eggs, they would dig up the eggs and move them to a nearby location where they could be watched, safe from poachers. A nearby hotel offered a private room for incubation, in exchange for an offer of turtle conservation lessons and participation in a sunset turtle release ceremony availiable to the hotel guests. Aranda and his group have successfully helped over half a million turtle eggs hatch and return to the wild. However, even with these precautions, turtle poaching is still practiced all over the world. Aranda and his group strive to make a better tomorrow for turtles and every species which depend on their existence.

Response: In midst of all the animal endangerment and habitats being destroyed, it's good to hear of the few that work to make a brighter future for the animals. When I heard of people staying up all night to watch over a couple turtles laying their eggs, I knew that wasn't an easy job from experience. I've pulled all nighters in order to study, have fun or simply because I couldn't sleep. It might be bad for the couple hours you're awake when you're supposed to be asleep but it really hits you the next day. It'd be fine for teenagers that don't have anything important to do but these guys are full grown adults with a family to raise and job to attend to. Furthermore, tending to the turtles is strictly volutary so they can't use that as an excuse to avoid work. What saddens me the most is that all their hard work is gone to waste with poachers still looking to earn money by killing turtles. I know that everyone has to earn a living one way or another but can't these guys find something more productive to do?

Question 1: If you were in Aranda's shoes, would you rather keep guard over the turtles or get on with life and tend more time to your family and for what reason?
Question 2: Do you believe that Aranda's effort to save the turtles is in vain or a successful step in making a better environment for the turtles? Why so?
Question 3: If you could, what other precaution would you take in order to stop poachers from hunting sea turtles and their eggs?


  1. Reflection:
    I am very happy to hear that these turtles have a bright future for them. Although there is so many endangerment problems going on right now, Aranda managed to help a species in a large way. These turtle egg watchers are doing an outstanding job at preserving the environment. They should be very proud of themselves for their hard work and dedication. Although they are doing very well I was sad to read that poachers are still looking to earn money by killing the turtles. It just isn't fair. Hopefully these turtle egg watchers will figure out a way to keep the turtles completely safe.

    Answer to Question 2:
    I believe that Aranda's effort is a successful step in making a better environment for turtles. Although the poachers are still killing the turtles, Aranda's effort is a start to a brighter future. Now more people can follow Aranda's example of helping to save the turtles.

  2. Opinion:
    It was great to hear about something happy and uplifting when most news are normally about depressing stories. I'm glad that many turtles are being helped and that there is hope out there. Insung makes a very valid point that I fully agree with when he says it is depressing that turtle poaching could still affect these turtles. I completely commend these volunteers for becoming involved in helping instead of just sitting around talking about how sad it is, which most people do. This event should set precedence for many more events like this to happen in the future.

    Answers to Question 1:
    I would much rather watch over the turtles. This is because family will be there when you are finished. These turtles can't help themselves, they need us to help them. If everyone was selfish and did not make an effort to take time out of their lives to volunteer their services, we would be in deep trouble. Aranda's work is truly amazing and he is a great role model.

  3. Opinion: I was glad to see that these turtles didn't fall victim to poaching like so many of their predecessors have. Aranda was able to save these turtle's lives and that is no easy feat, to care for turtles. Aranda may be able to create a spark with this saving. Maybe other people will see what he has done and be motivated to help out other species in need. This will all come together to further more help out our fellow living animals in need.

    Answer to # 2: I think that Aranda is bringing on a fresh breath of air for these turtles and is creating a better environment for them. Hey, anything is a better environment then the ones where poachers are invading and killing the turtles.
